Governance and Leadership
The Governing Body and School Leaders at all levels work together to set the strategic vision for the school and to monitor and evaluate the school’s work.
Governors achieve this in a variety of ways: through half-termly full Governing Body meetings; Governors are linked to key areas such as Progress & Achievement, Stakeholder views, Behaviour & Attendance, Teaching & Learning, GDPR, Safeguarding, SEND; and attend regular Governor Training Days.
A full list of Governors and their roles is outlined below:
Full Name, date elected & termination date (in brackets) |
Status and Links within School and by whom appointed to the Governing Body |
Link Area of Responsibility
Relevant business & pecuniary interests |
Material interests |
Bakare, Ms Temi (15.10.2024) Elected 31.10.16 Re appointed 16.10.2020 |
Parent Governor Vice Chair of Governors Elected by Parents/Carers of the school
Safeguarding, Looked After Children, (with Paola Ferreira) Staff Links: Stephanie Gibson and Jamie Gibson COVID compliance with Paola Ferreira Staff Link: Claire Keefe |
None |
None |
Casey, Ms Lauren (29.04.25) Elected by staff on 30.04.21 |
Staff Governor |
Careers Staff Link: Stephen Madigan
None |
Director of SEN |
Collins, Mr Joe (09.10.2027) Co-opted 09.10.2023 |
Co-Opted Governor |
Quality of education (with Lisa Thomas-Brown) including:
Staff Links: J Brunskill, P Flaxman, P Hussein, C Jones, O Bouchaara |
Works at Price Waterhouse Coopers |
None |
Ferreira, Paola (01.02.2027) Co- Opted: 20 March 2018 – Agreed further term of office February 2023 Reconstitution of GB on 12.09.18 |
Co-opted Governor Vice Chair of Governors |
Safeguarding, Looked After Children, with Temi Bakare Staff Links: Stephanie Gibson and Jamie Gibson COVID Compliance (with Temi Bakare) Student suspensions and Exclusions Staff Link: Claire Keefe |
Assistant Headteacher at Gascoigne Primary School
Co-Opted Governor at Beacontree Primary School |
None |
Hemmings, Chris (01.02.2027) Co-opted 20.03.2019 Agreed further term of office February 2023 |
Co-Opted Governor Chair of Governors |
Finance and Resources Management Staff Link: Claire Keefe |
None |
None |
Jennings, Linda (22.05.2027) Elected by staff 23.05.2023 |
Staff Governor (non teaching) |
Works at Barking Abbey School |
Khan, Nazli (15.10.2024) Elected by parents 16.10.2020 |
Parent Governor |
SEN and Inclusion
Staff link: Tony Roe |
None |
None |
Perry, Cllr Simon (09.10.2027) Local Authority Member Adopted 09.10.2023 |
Local Authority Member |
Behaviour and Attendance Staff Links: S Gibson, J Gibson, D Robinson, K Watkins |
None |
Local Councillor |
Plummer, Natasha (14.10.2025)
Elected by parents 15.10.2021
Parent Governor
Elected by Parents/Carers of the school |
Diversity and Stakeholder views
Staff link: Tony Roe |
None |
Director and Vice Chair ICVA |
Roe, Mr T |
Headteacher |
Attends all meetings |
None |
None |
Saunders, Dr P (26.04.26) Co-opted 26.04.22 |
Co-Opted Governor |
Student Suspensions and Exclusions |
None |
None |
Thomas-Brown, Mrs L (04.12.2027) Co-opted September 2023 |
Co-Opted Governor |
Quality of education (with Joe Collins) including:
Staff Links: J Brunskill, P Flaxman, P Hussein, C Jones, O Bouchaara |
Works at Francis Barber Pru |
None |
Bawa, Mr Pulkit (resigned 06.10.21) Co-opted May 2018 Reconstitution of GB on 12.09.18 |
Co-Opted Governor |
Brooks, Mr Robert (11.09.2022) Co-opted 09.09.2014 Reconstitution of GB on 12.09.18 Term of office ended July 2022 |
Co-Opted Governor Chair
Williams, Mr G (06.10.2024) Co-opted 07.10.20 Left Barking Abbey 31.08.22 |
Co-Opted Governor |
Finance and Resources
Staff Link: Claire Keefe |
Daisy, Ms Roseline (14.10.2025) Re-elected by parents on 15.10.2021 Resigned September 2022 |
Parent Governor Elected by Parents/Carers of the school
Wellbeing – Students and Staff, PHSE Staff Link: Tony Roe |
None |
Children attend Barking Abbey School |
The Senior Leadership Team is comprised of:
Mr T Roe
Senior Deputy Headteacher:
Mr P Flaxman
Deputy Headteachers:
Mrs S Gibson: Head of Sandringham Campus
Mr J Gibson: Head of Longbridge Campus
Assistant Headteachers:
Mr O Bouchaara: Progress and Achievement Key Stage 5 Lead
Ms J Brunskill: Progress and Achievement Key Stage 4 Lead
Mr P Hussein: Teaching and Learning/Pedagogy
Mr C Jones: Progress and Achievement Key Stage 3 Lead
Mr D Robinson, Behaviour and Inclusion SR Campus
Mr R Warner: Head of Psychology, Key Stage 3 support
Ms K Watkins, Behaviour and Inclusion LR Campus
Associate Senior Leadership Team:
Mr R Black, Director of Literacy
Ms L Casey, Director of SEN
Mrs G Cope, Director of Vocational Education
Mr S Madigan, Director of Aspiration
Core Senior Leadership Team:
Ms C Keefe: School Business Manager
Mr P Leake: Operations Manager
Mrs C Wright: PA to Headteacher, Administration and Support Learning Manager.
Governor Attendance Record |
Full GB Meetings |
2022-23 |
05.10.22 |
26.10.22 Pay |
30.11.22 |
02.02.23 |
22.03.23 |
26.04.23 |
20.06.23 |
Ali, Mr Nazir |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies |
Did not attend |
Did not attend |
Attended |
Bakare, Ms Temi |
Apologies |
Apologies |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Casey, Ms Lauren |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Collins, Mr Joe |
Attended |
Apologies |
Apologies |
Apologies |
Attended |
Attended |
Ferreira, Paola |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies |
Attended |
Hemmings, Mr Chris |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Jennings, Mrs Linda |
Elected as Staff Governor on 23.05.2023 |
Attended |
Khan, Mrs Nazli |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies |
Attended |
Attended |
Perry, Cllr Simon |
Apologies |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies |
Did not attend |
Attended |
Plummer, Mrs Natasha |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies |
Apologies |
Roe, Mr Tony |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Saunders, Dr Piers |
Attended |
Apologies |
Attended |
Apologies |
Attended |
Attended |
Thomas-Brown, Ms Lisa |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies |
Attended |
Attended |
Brooks, Mr Robert (term of office ended July 2022) |
Williams, Mr G (left BA 31.0o8.22) |
Daisy, Ms Roseline (resigned Sept 2022) |
Governor Attendance Record |
Full GB Meetings |
2021-22 |
06.10.21 |
13.10.21 Pay |
01.12.21 |
03.02.22 |
23.03.22 |
27.04.22 |
21.06.22 |
Ali, Mr Nazir |
Present |
n/a |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Apologies |
Present |
Bakare, Ms Temi |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Present |
Brooks, Mr Robert (term of office ended July 2022) |
Present |
n/a |
Apologies |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Casey, Ms Lauren (elected by staff 30.04.21) |
Present |
n/a |
Apologies |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Collins, Mr Joe |
Present |
n/a |
Not present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Daisy, Ms Roseline |
Present |
n/a |
Present |
Not present |
Not Present |
Present |
Present |
Ferreira, Paola |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Not present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Hemmings, Mr Chris |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Khan, Mrs Nazli |
Present |
n/a |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Perry, Cllr Simon |
Apologies |
n/a |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Plummer, Mrs Natasha |
N/A |
n/a |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Roe, Mr Tony |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Saunders, Dr Piers (appointed by GB 27.04.22) |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Present |
Present |
Thomas-Brown, Ms Lisa |
Present |
n/a |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Williams, Mr G |
Present |
n/a |
Apologies |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Bawa, Mr Pulkit (Resigned 06.10.21) |
Apologies and Resignation |
Governor Attendance Record |
Development Day |
Full GB Meetings |
2020-21 |
28.11.20 |
07.10.20 |
14.10.20 Pay Committee |
02.12.20 |
04.02.21 |
29.03.21 |
26.05.21 |
07.07.21 |
Ali, Mr Nazir |
Present |
N/A |
x |
x |
Absent |
Present |
Bakare, Ms Temi |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Present |
Bawa, Mr Pulkit |
Apologies |
N/A |
Present |
Present |
Absent |
Apologies |
Bibi, Mrs Anwara (Resigned March 21) |
Non Attendance |
N/A |
x |
x |
Black, Mr Robert – term of office ends June 2021 |
Present |
N/A |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Term of office finished |
Brooks, Mr Robert |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Casey, Ms Lauren (elected by staff 30.04.21) |
Present |
Collins, Mr Joe |
Apologies |
N/A |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Daisy, Ms Roseline |
Present |
N/A |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Ferreira, Paola |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Hemmings, Mr Chris |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Khan, Mrs Nazli |
Not elected |
N/A |
Present |
Apologies |
Absent |
Apologies |
Perry, Cllr Simon |
Apologies |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Roe, Mr Tony |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Thomas-Brown, Ms Lisa |
Present |
N/A |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Williams, Mr G |
Not elected |
N/A |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Governing Body: Structure
In order to ensure the strategic effectiveness of the School Governing Body our key functions are outlined below:
- The school’s curriculum policy and statutory obligations in relation to the National Curriculum;
- Recommend to the governing body the school’s pupil performance targets
- Monitor school based, local and national performance data and reports (e.g. School Improvement Partner report and ASP), evaluating achievement and analysing the performance of different groups and subjects
- The SEND policy, monitoring provision and ensuring that the school fulfils its responsibilities for pupils with special educational needs and with disabilities
- Provision for, progress and attainment of vulnerable groups e.g. looked after children, young carers, and the effectiveness of any intervention strategies
- Monitor the quality of teaching and learning
- The provision and policies for sex and relationships education, religious education and collective worship and make recommendations to the governing body as necessary
- The impact of the equality policy (including gender, race, disability) in relation to teaching and learning, curriculum, achievement and progress;
- Determine, monitor and evaluate the range and the impact of extended activities on pupil learning
- Monitor the overall effectiveness of the sixth form, including outcomes, quality of provision and effectiveness of leadership
- Monitor and review policies and data on pupil behaviour to ensure that it does not impact on teaching and learning
- The behaviour policy and associated policies e.g. anti-bullying and evaluate their implementation and outcomes e.g. the impact on exclusions in the school;
- A policy on attendance and monitor and evaluate its outcomes
- Child protection and safeguarding policies and procedures;
- The views of pupils and how these are taken into account
- The engagement of parents with the school, parental views and how these are taken into account and consider ways in which home-school links can be further developed, making appropriate recommendations
- The effectiveness of communications with parents including statutory requirements such as the prospectus, school profile, complaints policy, home-school agreement
- Community links and community use of the school, monitoring and evaluating the school’[s contribution to promoting community cohesion
- The range and impact of the extended school offer
- Are we allocating our funding in line with our strategic priorities?
- Are we making full use of our assets and efficient use of all our financial resources?
- Monitoring spend against budget
- Review the School’s draft annual report and financial statement
- Review the School’s internal controls and risk management
- Report to the Governing Body on the above
- Appoint external auditors
Human Resources
- Do we have the right staffing structure to deliver the strategy (current and future needs)?
- Are the right people in the right roles? Are we providing sufficient training for people to fulfil their roles? Are they performing properly? How is under-performance being dealt with?
- Review the salaries of all teaching and support staff
- Agree, following advice from the Headteacher, any revision of salary points for members of the Leadership Team
- Ensure that all members of the teaching staff have been set new objectives and professional development targets each Autumn
- Are our premises ‘fit for purpose’/safe in supporting student learning and teacher performance?
- Identification of future premises needs in support of strategy implementation