Monitoring & Evaluation
It is the responsibility of the leaders of the provision for the More Able to monitor the consistency and impact of provision for our MAL and HPP students and that a review of this forms part of the Self-Evaluation.
It is the responsibility of Heads of Faculty/Departments to monitor the impact of provision for students gifted in their relevant subjects. Information from this review forms part of Department Development Plan reviews as appropriate.
Monitoring and Evaluation of progress of MAL and HPP students is the responsibility of their teachers and the relevant Heads of Department and Heads of Year. This then feeds into the Standards Strategy.
Where students are not making sufficiently rapid progress and/or showing mastery at an appropriately high level in an individual subject, it is the responsibility of the teachers and Heads of Department to ensure that parents and students are informed in a timely manner and that effective interventions are implemented. The impact of those interventions are then reviewed at the next Standards Strategy meeting.
Where students are not making sufficiently rapid progress and/or showing mastery at an appropriately high level in a number of subjects, it is the responsibility of the Head of Year to ensure that parents and students are informed in a timely manner and that appropriate pastoral and/or academic support is put in place.
Celebrating the achievements and successes of MAL and HPP students
The leaders of the provision for the More Able also ensures that the achievements and successes of our MAL and HPP students are appropriately celebrated:
- In the local press
- On the website
- Newsletters
- On the plasma screens in school
- Through letters and emails to parents
- Through assemblies and the tutor programme