About Us

Sixth Form Virtual Tour

Welcome to Barking Abbey Sixth Form

Barking Abbey Sixth Form offers a broad range of courses to match student interests, ambitions and ability. Most students choose Barking Abbey Sixth Form to study A levels but we also offer a range of Level 3 vocational qualifications. The types of courses you will follow will depend on your entry qualifications. All new applicants to Barking Abbey School will be given the opportunity to have a tour in the Spring and Summer terms and will also have the opportunity to discuss the options available to them.

We expect all students to be smart and well presented. We have a Barking Abbey Sixth Form uniform that we expect students to wear. Sixth Form students must recognise their responsibility in acting as ambassadors to the school and as positive role models for other students in years 7 through to 11 at all times.

We have a robust pastoral care system where students are cared for and nurtured to make the next leap in their continuing education, post 18 or employment or apprenticeships.

In our last OFSTED, Barking Abbey Sixth Form was described as ‘a strength of the school’.

Sixth Form Virtual Tour
Why Barking Abbey Sixth Form?
Tony Roe - Headteacher

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