Product Design
Mr Cohen - Head of Department
Miss Bashorun - KS3 Progress and Achievement
Mr Brooks
Mr Runglall
Mr Joyce - Technician
Mission Statement
Promoting the importance and development of creativity, problem solving and enterprise skills in our learners. We aim to enable our learners to engage with the issues effecting tomorrow’s society and to be adaptable as individual problem solvers.
We strongly believe that creativity and design are essential skills required by the nation. We are preparing our learners for a vast range of future careers, some of which do not even exist yet!
Curriculum Intent
OCR Product Design - A level
The “A” Level course focuses on engineering, design, manufacturing, materials, processes, sustainability, recycling and the impact on the environment. It is simply not possible for an Engineer or Designer to develop a successful solution to a problem without having an insight into the implications for the manufacturer. Good professional engineers are not just mathematicians they are “Designers”.
Year 12
1) Identifying Requirements- What can be learnt by exploring contexts that design solutions are intended for?
2) Learning from existing products and practice- Why is it important to analyse and evaluate products as part of the design and manufacturing process?
3) Implications of wider issues- What factors need to be considered when designing and manufacturing products to overcome possible conflicts between moral and commercial factors?
4)Design thinking and communication- How do industry professionals use digital design tools to support and communicate the exploration, innovation and development of design ideas?
5) Material and component considerations- What factors influence the selection of materials that are used in products?
Selection of personal NEA and development of the project brief. This will run until March of year 13.
Year 13
6) Technical understanding - How do mechanisms provide functionality to products and systems?
7) Manufacturing processes and techniques - How can materials and processes be used to make iterative models?
How can materials and processes be used to make commercial products?
Completion of NEA and submission to exam board.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Arthur C. Clarke